This letter is sealed with a kiss.

All morning I've been scrapbooking and reading The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler. Its been quite enjoyable, I've put alot of pictures and collages with out frmaes for homes into my scrapbook. Each page is unique, though, the kit came with a color scheme of: brown, turquoise, cloud blue, white, and tan. The kit also includes some awesome acessories like fancy caption boxes, stickers, and owl cutouts.

Yesterday, I worked on some picture editing and printed them off on photo paper to accompany my scrapbook. Later in the evening I went out with some good friends. Shades of Brown coffee shop in Tulsa was our first stop of the night. Their new additions of artwork were very interesting the artist focused primarily on living creatures and then added bits of stationary objects to provide more intrest. The focus of the pieces seemed to center around the square swatches of pink, blue, and yellow that were used as shields to cover any eyes. We ended the night with tired banter at a local IHOP. A fun night indeed. In advance, I apologize for any typos.